Business Mission

A business mission statement isn't difficult to write,
and it's not required by your business
license, nor by
But you don't run your business by what's required. You go beyond what's
required... to what's needed to succeed.
Business mission statements aren't a fad... they're another tool to help you achieve
success. A business mission statement helps
you keep your eye on the prize. ..
if you put into practice what you put into your mission statement.
I don't know why so many people fear "the dreaded
mission statement." A poor
mission statement isn't going to get you arrested.
It should simply state why your business exists.
Click on the box...
and have Google start putting money in your bank account! |
Your mission statement shouldn't be full
of big words. Keep it simple. An effective way to construct a mission
statement is to write down your answer to the question... What's in it for me
and my customers?
For example, here's the business mission statement
for this South of Flagstaff Arizona web site...
The mission of this web site is to serve valuable local news and
visitor information content to those using the web site.
Through this valuable content
the web site will attract a
large number of web site viewers and substantial annual profits through the sale of local advertising, referral fees
from affiliate programs, and third party ad programs.
A business mission statement helps you sharpen your
Now that you know why your business exists, take a
little time to think about what you want to accomplish... long term as well as
this coming year.
Establish a couple of long term (strategic) objectives to guide
your annual goals. A strategic objective for a pawn shop might be:
To have
$2,000,000 on the street in active loans before 2008.
Next, turn your thoughts to the immediate
future. You don't need to delay establishing your objectives until the
beginning of next year. Do it now and profit.
Most for-profit businesses should consider
these points in the planning process:
- What product or service does my business provide?
- What need does my business fill?
- How will I source my product
or service?
- Who are the potential customers for my product or
service, and why will they purchase it from me?
- How will I reach my potential customers?
- What financial resources will I need to sustain my
business until it becomes profitable, and where will I get those financial
- What tools, equipment, and other resources will I need
to start up?
- What resources will I need to add over the next five
Modify these question to fit your venture. A
home-based catering service, a web site like this one, and a trash collection
service will all be able to apply these questions to their own circumstances,
with a little modification here and there.
Business Plan
A formal plan isn't required... unless
you're seeking outside financing and/or investors. But It's a good idea to have
Even seat-of-the-pants entrepreneurs can benefit
by having a formal plan. It helps you keep the forest in your mind's
eye as you work your way through the trees.
The SBA has business
mission statement and business plan resources available online.
At the very least, you should write down complete
and detailed answers to the questions listed above.
Search the web using
the keyword phrase mission statement will lead you to a number of other
resources. Be sure to notice the relevant ads down the right side... those are resources
Now that you have a business mission statement
and have done your planning, it's time
to define your goals. Please return to the...
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