Kachina Village Map


kachina village map


This Kachina Village map shows the street layout of the community.

Kachina Village is a quiet, "rural" sub-division about seven miles South of Flagstaff.

The village is bounded by Interstate 17 on the east, national forest lands on the south, Forest Highlands on the west, and forest lands on the north.

Before it was Kachina Village, this land was part of a ranch owned by Dr. R. O. Raymond.


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The good doctor lived and practiced in and around Flagstaff for more than fifty years, from the early to the mid nineteen hundreds.

Dr. Raymond received livestock, land... and even cash money from his patients in exchange for medical services.

The doctor expanded his land holdings by trade and purchase over the years, and added ranching to his resume.

Dr. Raymond commonly donated medical services, land, and money to many individuals, charitable and civic organizations during his lifetime.

 kachina village map

Follow this Kachina Village map link to Yahoo Map for their rendering of the Kachina Village layout.

A Google search using the keyword phrase street map + kachina village az (or another place name) will display a variety of resources... not just street map sources. Be sure to notice the relevant ads down the right side... those are resources also.



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