South of Flagstaff Arizona
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Are you interested in selling on eBay and other auction sites?

We import gemstone rough from Madagascar. I am looking for someone interested in establishing and operating a business selling gemstone rough through the internet.

There's a great opportunity here to make money and build a business for yourself and your family. A thriving market for gemstone rough is out there, especially rough from Madagascar. A little research on eBay and Google will prove it.

Here is my contact link.


News releases of interest to South of Flagstaff residents and visitors are reproduced here. 

These news releases are originated by various Coconino County agencies, the Forest Service, and other entities.

News releases from the City of Flagstaff are sometimes posted on their website.

Additional regional news releases may be found through a Google search using keyword phrases such as flagstaff news release or sedona news release.


News releases are posted here for a few days or weeks, as their news value warrants.

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October 16, 2007

Coconino County
Sheriff/s Office


Coconino County Sheriff�s Deputies and Detectives Investigate A Death in Supai Canyon


Flagstaff, AZ -            On Monday October 15, 2007 at approximately 3 p.m. the Coconino County Sheriff�s Office was informed of the death of a hiker in Supai Canyon.  The victim was identified as 61 year old Sandra Kendall of Oceanside CA .  It is believed that Ms. Kendall was with a group of other hikers.  Individuals in her party administered Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation for approximately one hour at which time a physician from the Supai Clinic arrived by air transport.  The physician continued to administer medical aid until approximately 2:28 p.m. at which time he pronounced the victim deceased. 

An Arizona Department of Public Safety Air Rescue Crew and a Coconino County Sheriff�s Office Heli-Rescue Technician responded to the scene and conducted a body recovery operation.  The victim was transported to the Coconino County Medical Examiner�s Office for further investigation. Detectives are investigating the possibility that the victim fell to the ground and sustained head injuries.  The investigation continues in an attempt to determine why the victim feel and if she had any pre-existing medical conditions.  At this point in the investigation, there is no indication of foul play.


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October 16, 2007

Coconino County
Sheriff/s Office


Overdue Hikers Located and Rescued


Flagstaff , Arizona- On October 12th at approximately 7:20 P.M. the Coconino County Sheriff�s Office received a report of two overdue hunters south of Williams in the Round Mountain area. 

Patrol deputies and the Coconino County Sheriff�s Search and Rescue Unit responded to conduct a search.  A foot search team, an ATV search team, and road patrol teams were deployed in the area.  On the morning of October 13th at approximately 7:30 A.M. the two hunters were located walking in an area east of their camp.  Both adult hunters, a father and son, were in good condition and did not require any medical treatment.  They were transported to their camp where they were reunited with family members.

The Search and Rescue Unit reminds hunters to be prepared for an unexpected overnight survival situation.  The two hunters in this incident had only planned to be away from camp for a few hours but became disoriented and stranded in the dark with no light source.  Hunters and hikers should carry a survival kit even on short outings in case the outing turns into a serious survival situation.  The survival kit should contain extra food and water, extra clothing for the conditions, a flashlight or head lamp, fire starting material, shelter material, navigation equipment and maps, signaling equipment such as a signal mirror, and sun protection.



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October 15, 2007

Coconino County


Construction to Begin on Pinewood Boulevard

Roadway and Storm Sewer Improvements


(Flagstaff, AZ) October 15, 2007 � The Coconino County Public Works Department will oversee the roadway reconstruction and storm sewer installation on Pinewood Boulevard in Munds Park, beginning with utility construction on October 22. Storm sewer construction will then begin on October 29.  This project will also include sidewalk construction on Pinewood Boulevard to complete the east-west walking path.

Work will begin at 7 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Haden Construction will be working as the construction contractor for this project. All underground utility and storm sewer work should be complete by the end of this year. Roadway construction will begin in Spring 2008, weather permitting, and should be complete by early Summer 2008. During construction, traffic will be limited to one lane at times due to the underground construction. At times, access will be limited to driveways on the south side of Pinewood Boulevard as the crews move east. Residents in the area should keep all vehicles and equipment off the street during construction so that the work can be completed efficiently. We are committed to improving safety, roadway and drainage conditions in this area and appreciate your support during construction activities.

The county maintains a toll-free project information line at 866-593-2877. Residents should call this number for any project-related problems or questions.



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October 5, 2007

USDA Forest Service
Coconino National Forests


Dutch WFU Fire Regains Momentum Due To Dry Conditions


WILLIAMS, Ariz. � The Dutch Wildland Fire Use (WFU) Fire, which has been burning since Sept. 3, has regained momentum following several days of dry conditions. Kaibab National Forest fire managers have been pleased with the WFU fire�s effects including improving wildlife habitat, reducing the threat of high-intensity wildfire and recycling nutrients into the forest floor.

WFU Name: Dutch WFU Fire
Time/Date Started: Sept. 3, 2007
Location: Williams Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest; The Dutch WFU Fire is located on Dutch Kid Knoll, which is about 8 miles southwest of Williams.
Cause: Lightning (All WFU fires must be naturally-ignited.)
Fuels: Ponderosa pine, oak litter, grass
Acreage Treated: 2,729 acres; continued growth is expected.
Resources Committed: Fire managers are monitoring the Dutch WFU Fire daily.
Resource Benefits: Reduction of accumulations of fuel on the forest floor; restoration of fire to the ecosystem; recycling of nutrients into the soil; protection of the greater Williams community from future high-intensity wildland fires.
Closures: No road/trail closures are in effect. Summary: Firefighters have lit several back fires along Forest Road 108 to provide a black line that will prevent the WFU fire from spreading beyond established boundaries to the south. The Dutch WFU Fire is primarily spreading to the south and west. Smoke from the WFU fire is visible from Interstate 40 and Williams. Some smoke settled into Williams on Thursday and Friday of last week but has since dissipated. Hunters and other forest users in the area should use caution when traveling along Forest Road 108, as firefighters and equipment will be working along this road. Smoke may limit visibility at times.
Background: Before a fire is put into WFU status, land managers evaluate several criteria. For example, if a fire threatens life, property or resources, it is not considered appropriate for WFU and is immediately suppressed. Once a fire is put into WFU status, it is actively managed, meaning that fire managers establish boundaries and define weather and fuels conditions under which the fire will be allowed to burn.



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October 12, 2007



NRA Launching Web Site
Devoted To Hunters' Rights


On November 1, NRA is launching a new Web site devoted to hunters' rights. All factors that affect your freedom to hunt, and the future of the sport itself, will be addressed at

The site will not tell you how to hunt, where to put your tree stand or what the best guns and loads are for your favorite species. Many Web sites and magazines can already tell you all that.

The site will alert you about threats to hunting and NRA's efforts to combat them -- our direct lobbying efforts at every level, our hunter recruitment and instruction programs and our funding of conservation and range improvement projects.

Commenting on the need for this site, Kayne Robinson, Executive Director of General Operations, said, "Hunting is under attack in ways it has never been attacked before. Stifling regulations are overly complex and too often have nothing to do with game management. Anti-hunting groups with well-financed coffers and celebrity spokespersons grab every headline they can get. Nit-picking laws that turn inadvertent mistakes into criminal offenses are becoming common horror stories. Shrinking lands, dwindling numbers of hunters and other factors are combining to threaten the sport more and more."

But whether it's a proposed ban on hunting ammunition, the closure of public hunting lands, or regulations that are actually driving people out of the sport, NRA is at work on every front to ensure your continued right to hunt. The combination of NRA's political strength, hunting programs, grant funding and the sheer size of our hunting membership make us the most formidable defender of hunting there is.

The new site will give credit where it's due, too. If a new range opens in your state, if a season is extended or added, or if a youth mentored hunt is instituted, you'll read about it at With limited time and resources, hunters need to know about every new opportunity, place to hunt, or new season available. will also provide many opportunities for hunter input and recognition. We'll be open to stories from you on a variety of topics, such as:

   Trophy Gallery--Share your hunting photos with others.
   Hunt Reports--Had a particularly good or bad experience with an outfitter? Let us know.
   Gut Check--Your true stories of survival.
   Unsung Heroes--Know someone in your state doing good work for hunters? Let's give that person some recognition.
   Regulatory Issues--Is there a hunting law in your state you feel just doesn't make sense?

Guidelines for submitting all such material are available by sending an email to: [email protected]. Just put "Hunters Rights Guidelines" in the subject line. Your questions and comments on the site are welcome at the same address.

Watch for monthly gift giveaways, too.



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October 12, 2007

Coconino County


Coconino County Volunteer Orientation


The Coconino County Community Services is holding a Volunteer Orientation on Tuesday October 23rd from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Come and join us at the Health and Community Services building, 2625 N. King St. and start making your positive contribution to members of our communities that need your help.

Currently Senior Services is actively recruiting volunteers to help homebound seniors or disabled adults by: Transportation Assistance, Meals on Wheels, Yard Maintenance, and Friendly Visiting.

There are also many volunteer opportunities available through the County. To register for the Volunteer Orientation please call today Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom at (928) 522-7913, or email [email protected]. You could put your energies and skills to better your community today!



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October 12, 2007

Coconino County


Coconino County Career Center Receives North American Award


Flagstaff, AZ - Coconino County Career Center ,   has been recognized by Blane, Canada Ltd. at the Annual Synchronist Users� Forum in Chicago , IL Oct. 3-5th , for excellence in the design, execution, and impact of their existing business strategy and program.

The Career Center is a one of the lead organizations in Coconino County responsible for working with companies with an investment in the community. The Career Center received this top honor in an annual award competition among economic development organizations throughout the US and Canada .

The award serves as recognition of the Career Center �s commitment to insuring the flow of economic development resources to existing employers who have long-standing commitments to the communities where they operate. These same employers will generate between 74 and 86 percent of the new jobs and capital investment by business in Coconino County

�The businesses throughout Coconino County represent an economic portfolio. Like a personal portfolio, the economic future of Coconino County is dependent on the health and growth of the assets in that portfolio,� according to Eric P. Canada, Principal, Blane, Canada Ltd.  �the Coconino County Career Center has made a substantial commitment to gaining a detailed understanding of these businesses, their future potential as well as challenges they face in order to drive appropriate economic development resources to the companies where they will have the greatest impact on the area�s future economy,� he added.

�Global business pressures have never been greater. The Career Center�s proactive work insures that companies in Coconino County have access to all possible resources thereby insuring the health of the portfolio,� according to Canada. How important is their work? Mr. Canada notes that, without aggressive, proactive work, growth can easily be lost.�

Blane, Canada Ltd., Wheaton , IL is the industry leader for existing business portfolio management. The Synchronist Business Information System� is software, the industry standard, used by hundreds of development organizations throughout the US and Canada .

The Synchronist Users� Forum is North American�s largest cooperative of development professionals. Forum participants share ideas and best practices to improve strategies, tools, and practices for existing business portfolio management.

�Learning about local employers� success as well as barriers that may impede growth, networking to maintain partnerships and sharing information to increase local economic development have been positive outcomes�, contributed local coordinator Janetta Beaumont.



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October 11, 2007

Arizona Game and
Fish Department


Arizona Game and Fish Department's TV show wins 2 Emmy awards


PHOENIX - The Arizona Game and Fish Department�s locally produced television program, Arizona Wildlife Views, was honored with two Rocky Mountain Southwest Emmy awards for television excellence at an awards ceremony on Oct. 6.

Producers Gary Schafer and Carol Lynde won the �Environmental Program� Emmy with a show that answered the age-old question: What do rattlesnakes do when no one is watching? Researchers and production crew placed a small fiber optic camera inside several rattlesnake dens to give viewers an up-close and personal look at these mysterious creatures.

The second Emmy was awarded for �Public Affairs Segment� with a strong message story that proved that alligators do not make good pets. Views producers followed the fate of 52 rescued and relocated alligators from the freeways of Phoenix to the swamps of Florida.

Arizona Wildlife Views can be seen on local PBS stations as well as cable access stations.

The Rocky Mountain Southwest region of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is comprised of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Wyoming.



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October 8, 2007

Northern Arizona Center
for Emerging Technologies




Flagstaff, AZ  � The Northern Arizona Technology and Business Incubator Inc. Board of Directors announced today that Thomas G. Rainey has been named president and CEO and that the organization has changed it�s trade name to Northern Arizona Center for Emerging Technologies (NACET). 

For the past 19 years, Rainey has provided new venture development services as the developer and manager of economic development programs across the nation.  Prior to relocating to Arizona, Rainey served as President of the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies based in Burlington, Vermont and was instrumental in the development of Dartmouth College�s Regional Technology Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. �Tom has done one of the most difficult tasks in the business world: incubate an incubator,� said Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont upon learning of Rainey�s move to Flagstaff.

�Tom brings broad experience working with technology-based businesses, entrepreneurs and public officials,� said LaVelle McCoy, NACET board co-chair and founding board member.  �His knowledge of economic, business, real estate and technology development will be a great asset to Northern Arizona. Tom has managed both university affiliated business incubators and NASA�s Kennedy Space Center technology incubator program in Florida. His background and experience bodes well for our relationship with both the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) located across the street from our new building and for collaboration with NAU.�



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October 6, 2007

Arizona Game and
Fish Department


Hands-on camps teach stewardship and wildlife conservation


Camps introduce small game hunting basics to youths and novices


The Arizona Game and Fish Department is partnering with several organizations to offer introductory hunting camps for youths and adults who want to learn how to hunt small game in Arizona.

"These fun, hands-on camps are great for those who haven't hunted before or those who are new to our state. They provide youngsters and novices with an opportunity to enhance their hunting and camping skills, while also teaching them the values of stewardship and wildlife conservation," says Tristanna Bickford, hunter recruitment and retention coordinator.

Participants will learn information on firearm safety, hunting opportunities, game care, archery instruction, survival basics and first aid. There will also be hands-on hunting opportunities with experienced mentors.

Upcoming camps are:

Oct. 12-13, Squirrel Camp - Los Burros campground (near Pinetop-Lakeside on Forest Road 224). Sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, White Mountain Rod and Gun Club and Arizona Deer Association. Includes free meals, free instruction and field time with hunting mentors. For youths age 10 and older, and adults. Youths must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required by noon Tuesday, Oct. 9; call (928) 367-4281.

Oct. 19-21, Abert Squirrel Camp - Mount Graham (near Safford). Sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, South Eastern Arizona Sportsmen Club and USDA Forest Service. For youths age 7 and older, and adults. Youths must be accompanied by an adult. Cost is $40. Registration is required; visit < > for more information or to download a registration form.

Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Dove/Quail/Rabbit Camp - Robbins Butte Wildlife Management Area (west of the Phoenix Metro Area). Sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department and Chandler Rod and Gun Club. For youths age 10 and older, and adults. Youths must be accompanied by an adult. Cost is $40. Registration is required; visit < > for more information or to download a registration form.



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October 5, 2007

USDA Forest Service
Coconino National Forests




Fall Season Campground Closures Approaching


Flagstaff- Fall is here and camping season is coming to an end.  Officials on the Coconino National Forest are preparing for seasonal closures of campgrounds and day-use areas.  These areas are closed for the duration of winter and are reopened every spring � April and May. 

When closed, campgrounds and day-use sites will no longer have services available (i.e. water and toilets), and in many cases, will be gated closed.  Some campgrounds on the Coconino, however, will remain open year-round. 

Alternately, a few campgrounds on the Coconino may be used during the closure season, free of charge, as long as the roads to those campgrounds remain open.  When visiting these areas during the off-season, use the designated sites and be prepared to camp without services such as water and toilets. 

Visitors who choose to Dispersed Camp must remain at least 1 mile from designated recreation sties.  As always, practice Leave No Trace methods when camping in the forest.

The following chart outlines the campgrounds and day use areas on the Coconino.



Available in Off-Season 
(as long as roads are open)


Ashurst Lake & Forked Pine

Mormon Lake


Oct 15

Canyon Vista

Mormon Lake


Oct 15

Dairy Springs

Mormon Lake


Oct 15

Dairy Springs Group Camp

Mormon Lake


Oct 15

Double Springs

Mormon Lake


Already Closed


Mormon Lake


Oct 15


Mormon Lake


Oct 15


Mormon Lake


Oct 15




Oct 15

Little Elden Springs Horse Camp



Oct 15

Lockett Meadow



Oct 15

O'Leary Group



Oct 15

Beaver Creek

Red Rock

Open Year-Round


Red Rock


Oct 31

Cave Springs

Red Rock


Oct 15

Chavez Crossing Group Camp

Red Rock

Open Year-Round

Clear Creek Camp

Red Rock

Open Year-Round

Clear Creek Group

Red Rock

Open Year-Round


Red Rock

Open Year-Round

Pine Flat EAST

Red Rock


Oct 15

Pine Flat WEST

Red Rock


Nov 15

Blue Ridge

Mogollon Rim


Already Closed

Clints Well

Mogollon Rim

Open Year-Round

Kehl Springs

Mogollon Rim

Open Year-Round

Knoll Lake

Mogollon Rim


Nov 15

Moqui Group

Mogollon Rim


Already Closed

Rock Crossing

Mogollon Rim


Oct 15


Day Use Areas


Available in Off-Season 
(as long as roads are open)


Lower Lake Mary Picnic Area

Mormon Lake


Oct 15

Upper Lake Mary Site#1

Mormon Lake


Oct 15

Upper Lake Mary Site#2

Mormon Lake


Oct 15

Lake Mary Narrows Lauch Site

Mormon Lake


Oct 15


For more information regarding recreational opportunities on the Coconino National Forest, please visit our web site at, or call 928-527-3600.



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October 5, 2007

Coconino County


Coconino County Parks & Recreation Master Plan


( Flagstaff , AZ ) October 5, 2007 � Coconino County Parks & Recreation is holding a series of Public Meetings throughout the County seeking input from the public about the purpose, goals, funding, and organization of our county parks & recreation system. Media practitioners and members of the public are welcome to participate in any of these meetings.

Input from these Public Meetings will be used to shape the Coconino County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which is scheduled to be completed by July 2008.

The County engaged PROS Consulting LLC of Dallas TX, an experienced parks and recreation consulting company, to develop the master plan by integrating information about the values and priorities in our communities, input from the County Parks & Recreation Commission, input from the newly organized Friends of Coconino County Parks, and input from the County Staff . The consultant will also be performing an in-depth investigation of the Department�s physical system (parks, programs, natural areas) and its financial and organizational capacity.

Public meetings will take place in these locations:

Page     Tuesday, October 16, 2007 , 5:30-7:30pm Page Public Library, 479 S. Lake Powell Blvd

Tuba City    Wednesday, October 17, 2007 , 5:00-7:00pm MST ( 6:00-8:00pm DST) Tuba City High School Cafeteria

Williams Tuesday, October 23, 2007 , 3:00-5:00pm City Council Chambers, 113 S. First Street

Sedona  Wednesday, October 24, 2007 , 12:00 � 2:00pm Jordan Historical Park, 735 Jordan Road

Flagstaff   Wednesday, October 24, 2007 , 6-8:00 pm NAU School of Forestry Auditorium, S. Pine Knoll Drive

Fredonia     Thursday, October 25, 2007 , 6:00-8:00pm Town Council Chambers, 25 N. Main Street



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October 4, 2007

Sedona Chamber of Commerce


Sedona Chamber Wins Economic Engines of Arizona Award


( Sedona , AZ - October 3, 2007) - The Sedona Chamber of Commerce received at the Economic Engines of Arizona Awards presented by the Arizona Business Magazine.   At this 2nd Annual awards reception, distinguished recognition is given to organizations and businesses that continue to make significant positive contributions to Arizona �s economic growth and stability.   

The Sedona Chamber is honored to be recognized by the state as an economic engine. Jennifer Wesselhoff, President/CEO of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Jodie Filardo, Economic Planner for the City of Sedona accepted the award at the reception on October 3rd at the Ritz Carlton Phoenix.   

�The Sedona Chamber of Commerce has been working towards developing and increasing economic impact over the last few years�, says Wesselhoff.  �This recognition illustrates the success of the continuous joint efforts of the Sedona Chamber and the City of Sedona to develop a strong local economy. 

In addition to sponsoring the awards reception, Arizona Business Magazine will be publishing a special report highlighting all of the honorees within its October/November issue.  This issue will be distributed to 25,000 business leaders throughout the state.



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October 3, 2007

USDA Forest Service
Coconino and Kaibab National Forests




Flagstaff, Ariz. �The Kaibab and Coconino National Forests will host several workshops in northern Arizona this month to provide information on applying for Forest Service jobs. 

Interested citizens can visit anytime during the workshops to receive guidance and training in applying for Forest Service jobs. Current employees will be available to help walk individuals through the online application process. The workshops are intended for anyone interested in applying for Forest Service jobs. However, to be considered for employment, applicants must be 18 years of age or older at the time they begin work. 

October 10, Williams, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Williams High School library. 

October 18, Flagstaff, 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Northern Arizona University, College of Business Administration on South Campus. 

October 25, Winslow, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Northland Pioneer Community College, Learning Center. 

October 30, Clarkdale, 5:00 p.m. � 8:00 p.m. Yavapai College Verde Valley Campus. 

�If you are interested in working in fire, range, silviculture, recreation or any other area of the Forest Service, you should attend one of these workshops,� said Susan Brown, workshop coordinator. �This is the first step in applying for temporary or permanent employment with the agency.� 

For more information, contact Susan Brown at 928-635-8383 or [email protected] or Chris Barrett at 928-527-3477 [email protected] or visit



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October 2, 2007

USDA Forest Service
Coconino National Forest


Wildings Permits Available


Flagstaff, AZ - Wildings permits, which authorize collecting live plants and trees from National Forest lands for personal use, are available starting October 3 on the Peaks Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest. Permits are usually available for about a month in the spring and again in the fall, while the plants are dormant. This collection period, permits will be issued until October 31, 2007. Plant collection is prohibited after October 31. 

Permits are available for aspen and for coniferous trees (Douglas Fir, White Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Pinyon Pine, and Juniper.) Aspen up to 20 feet tall and conifers up to 12 feet tall may be dug up. However, for the best chance of successful transplanting, foresters recommend that trees selected be much smaller in size, less than 8' for aspen and 4' for conifers. The fee is $0.50 per foot for aspen and $1.00 per foot for conifers, with a minimum fee of $20.00 per permit. Maps of designated gathering locations, along with transplanting recommendations, are provided. 

To obtain a permit or for more information, in Flagstaff contact the Peaks Ranger Station on north Highway 89, 928-526-0866.



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September 24, 2007

Coconino County


Tax Year 2007 Real and Personal Property Tax Notices

Flagstaff , Az. � Coconino County Treasurer Bonny Lynn would like to inform property owners that the Tax Year 2007 Real and Personal Property Tax Roll is now in the Treasurer�s possession for collecting the taxes levied.  Notices are scheduled to be mailed on Tuesday, September 25, 2007 .  The Property Tax Notice is mailed to each property owner.  Return envelopes are being provided and payment coupons are designed to fit the size of the return envelope.  

Taxes are due and payable and become delinquent on the dates and times prescribed by Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) Section 42-18052, and interest will be added to the tax from the time of the delinquency as prescribed by ARS Section 42-18053.  The taxes (if over $100 annual) may be paid in two installments.  The first half 2007 property taxes are due on October 1, 2007 and will be considered delinquent after 5:00 p.m. Thursday, November 1, 2007 .  After November 1st, interest will accrue on the first half payment at an annual rate of 16%.  The full-year tax can be paid by December 31st, with no interest penalty.  The second half payment is due March 1, 2008 and will be considered delinquent after 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 1, 2008

This is the annual tax notice.  No other notice will be sent, so citizens are reminded to mark their calendars for the second half payment due next March.

If property owners do not receive a tax notice by October 15, they should contact the Treasurer�s Office for a copy of the notice so they do not incur a delinquent fee.  The mailing of a tax notice is considered a courtesy per ARS Section 42-18051 C.  Property owners are held liable for paying property taxes regardless of the receipt of a tax notice.

Tax payment can be made by cash at the Treasurer�s Office, 110 E. Cherry Avenue , 2nd floor, Flagstaff , AZ 86001 , or by check, credit card, debit card or direct wire.  Instructions for credit/debit card and direct wire payment are on the back of the Tax Notice.  For the taxpayer�s convenience and due to a lack of parking at the 110 E. Cherry building, a white drop-mail box is located near the flagpole inside the parking lot at this location. Payment envelopes can be dropped in the box.  For more information, please call the Treasurer�s Office at (928) 779-6615 or toll free at (877) 500-1818.



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September 21, 2007

Coconino County


County Obtains Grant Award for Raymond Park Improvements



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South of Flagstaff news releases are written and distributed by various government and private entities, and reproduced here as distributed.


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