The Renzi Report
The Renzi Report is a periodic newsletter
that serves as a report to the people from Arizona's 1st
District Congressman Rick Renzi.
South of Flagstaff residents are represented in the U.S. House of
Representatives by Congressman Renzi, as most rural Arizona
communities seem to be. You can view a map
of Arizona's congressional districts on the Arizona Representatives
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As you can see, our Representative represents a large portion
of Arizona's geography.
Representing us in Washington takes a lot of time, as does
visiting locations and events in this far-flung First Congressional
District. All this means we only see our Representative
Rep. Renzi uses his newsletter to keep us better informed. You
can get the newsletter emailed directly to you by visiting the
Congressman's official website.
You'll find phone numbers and an email link on
the website to let him know what you're thinking.
The Renzi Report (current issue) is reproduced
on this website with permission from
the congressman's office. Here's the link to... The Renzi Report
Prior issues of The Renzi Report are available on the
Congressman's website.
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