Kachina Village Real Estate
Kachina Village real estate is in demand. Kachina Village is among the most
popular developments South of Flagstaff.
Access to Kachina Village is from I-17, about two miles south of the
Flagstaff airport. The Village offers a quiet, "rural" sub-division atmosphere...
with conveniences such as:
- Water system
- Sewers
- Fire/paramedic department
- APS electric service
- Unisource (formerly Citizens) natural gas
- Qwest phone service
- Paved streets
- Cable TV
- 10 minutes from town
The county operates the water, sewer, road maintenance, and fire protection
services through the Kachina Village Improvement district.
Hiking trails, a large county park, wetland, and a nature walk currently
exist and are being upgraded.
Kachina Village is bordered by I-17 on the west, national forest on the south
and west, the Forest Highlands community on the northwest, and national forest
on the north.
Follow this Kachina Village real estate link to a community map.
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The resident mix is about half and half... full-time residents and
summer residents.
Some undeveloped home sites are available, but most are already developed. The
purchase of an existing home is the usual way to become a Village resident.
To access the residential areas, go past the store and turn right or left at
Kachina Blvd.
To access the mobile homes area, turn right directly opposite the store and
cross the big meadow.
Kachina Village real estate offers many attractive
features and advantages.
Here are links to the other South of Flagstaff Arizona
real estate pages...
Forest Highlands real estate
Kachina Village real estate
Mormon Lake real estate
Mountainaire real estate
Pinewood and Munds Park real estate
Sedona real estate
Real estate investing
House plans on the internet
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