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Arizona Camping


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Arizona camping is a very popular activity. Come on out and join in.

Arizona camping, as you might expect,  migrates from the desert to the cool mountains and back, depending on the weather.

Arizona camping sees a lot of desert camping between October and March. Some are winter visitors and many are Arizonans out enjoying their state.

Arizona camping is popular with winter visitors. They come to Arizona's warm deserts in their RV's by the thousands. Many choose to experience Arizona camping in desert RV parks in central Arizona and along the Colorado River, rather than in the larger towns.


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 Some live in commercial RV Parks and campgrounds all winter... until the snow is all melted and the weather has warmed up back home.

Arizona camping means camping on the open desert for some adventurous types. They love staying on the open desert near small towns. There's lots of room.

Boating, hunting, fishing, rock hounding, hiking and just plain "getting out" lures many Arizona residents to camp in the open desert and around our desert lakes.

But when the desert heats up... all that changes. A mass exodus occurs with the changing season.

Winter visitors head for home.arizona camping align=

Local campers head for South of Flagstaff. The green forests and meadows are soothing to the eyes of desert dwellers.

Our cool temperatures, trout waters, and open camping in the Coconino National Forest are powerful magnets for Arizona campers.

Arizona camping South of Flagstaff offers a lot of choices. Pictured above is an open camping area (we call it dry camping) in the Coconino National Forest. 

These areas are favored by those with self-contained trailers and motor homes. These areas are also favored by large groups, including clubs, church groups, and for family reunions.

Arizona camping in these open areas allows your group to get off by yourselves, and away from others.

South of Flagstaff also offers many improved campgrounds, many by lakes or streams. Water, picnic tables, fire pits or grills, toilets, and other improvements are available.

Camping by fishing lakes and streams offers several forms of recreation in addition to the camping and fishing.

You can watch the bald eagles, ospreys and herons that make their homes at some of our lakes.

Hiking or just short nature walks are popular, and mountain biking the trails around many campgrounds is always a treat.

Rock climbing is strenuous, but it is attracting more and more participants each year.

One word of caution however, please don't ride ATV's around and around the roads within the campground. ATV riding is restricted to traveling to and from camp.

Improved campgrounds tend to be favored by tent campers, and those with tent trailers or small campers.

Arizona camping is a frequent activity for many. It also holds a powerful attraction to both occasional campers and those looking for a cheap vacation.

It's nice that the forest is huge and there's enough room for all.

A Google search using the keyword phrase campgrounds + arizona state parks returns interesting listings and ads.



Also, find any new Forest Service press releases regarding seasonal Arizona camping openings, restrictions, or closures.

Visit the Flagstaff Campgrounds Page.

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